18 May 2011

For you , Joanie =)

5:41 PM 6 Comments
I've been a bad , bad blogger but the sweetest thing happened to me like a week ago ..
well having a blogpost written especially for you qualifies as the sweetest thing , doesn't it ??

and moreover it also reminded me that friendships created over the course of writing a blog and sharing your life / experiences are very real and special .. and I'm lucky to have come to know some of these very wonderful people ..

and one of these is Joanie.. She's no stranger to my blog having guest posted earlier this year
sharing what 'Love' means to her and I tell you just with that one post she won so many hearts ..
I ain't a mommy yet but its almost like I can feel her love in her words for her children , for her family and I love that about her ..the most precious moment being - seeing her dream of having a lil girl after 3 boys come true ..

and you would agree if I said I just had to , had to be part of such awesomeness..
So here's what I did , I sent her a lil pressie for her princess ..and here she is wearing it ..
Its taken her almost a year to grow into it but its been worth the wait and those big beautiful eyes ..I'm in love ..
Thanks Jo for such a heartfelt post and the mini photo shoot, you made my day, my friend :))
<3 <3 <3 to you and your beautiful family ..

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