12 December 2015

Hallo-best-ween ever !

11:32 PM 0 Comments
So, its only taken a lil more than a month to come back to write another post,Progress,shall we say? The last quarter of the year is always busy, what I look forward to though and love about it most is the merriment and festivity ,the madness starts obviously with Halloween , finding the perfect costume for your kid...

21 October 2015

Hellooo , is anyone there ?

12:03 AM 5 Comments
Of late I've been told by a number of friends / fond readers of this blog that they miss my writing and to be brutally honest I've missed writing , not for lack of time though but lack of energy .  Believe you me when I say I have tried a couple hundred times to sit down and write and I've barely made it past...

09 February 2014

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