Arguably one of the best movies I've seen this year , Midnight in Paris had me nudging the husband and smiling ear to ear in as much as the first two mins .. coz the movie opens with a montage of Paris's tourist landmarks and having visted Paris barely 3 months back , 2 mins were all it took to wish I could go back ..
and ironically enough this feeling of ' nostalgia ' is wherein lies the heart of this story , coercing one to ruminate on the endless possibilities if we could only just go back in time ..
presuming naturally that a life different from their present would be much better ..
like I wrote earlier this month , that a life different from their own would be much better ..
But as universal , powerful and relatable is Woody Allen's message of 'appreciating and living life in the present' , even more charming is the fact that its so beautifully woven in the movie that one doesn't even realize it ..
For me , before I saw the movie ' Midnight ' was only about Paris but Owen Wilson (sigh !!!!) kudos to him for playing his part to the hilt ..
and for making the 'un'reality of it believable , fun , goofy and yet sincere ..
Hands down a must watch this summer and I'll rate it a 4.5/5 :))
Have you seen any movie lately you really liked
and what's on your must watch list for this summer ?